Children's Activities
All TLC volunteers and leaders have a Working with Children Check and are trained in Child Safe procedures.
If you have any questions about these activities please contact the office.
Jumbunna is an Aboriginal word that means "to sit and talk together". The name was chosen out of a process of TLC community consultation and goes well to describe our character.
Jumbunna is for children from Prep/Foundation to Grade 6 and runs during the school term in part of the church service. Together we explore the bible in fun and engaging ways including using games, crafts, activities and songs.
For more information contact the church office at
KID’S CORNER (Sunday Creche)
Kid’s Corner provides a safe, caring and creative environment for children to be looked after while their parents can enjoy involvement in the Sunday morning service. Together, we read a bible story and do a craft activity.
It has been a blessing to see our pre-school children grow in confidence with their peers under the care of trusted community members.
For more information please contact the church office at
mainly music is a fun music group for parents or primary care givers to enjoy together with their young child.
Throughout the session, children develop gross and fine motor skills, language, imagination, mathematical and pre-reading skills as well as socialize with others.
mainly music is associated with and is run by volunteers from TLC church.
Children are introduced to music, creativity and more, plus families given a chance to think about the God-part of life. Amazing to think that all this can be achieved in a loving, shared family environment.
The dream we have for your mainly music experience is that you’ll find the session a safe, nurturing space where connection occurs.
mainly music runs on Thursday mornings 10.00 - 11.30 am.
Playgroups are FUN! It is not just the children who have a great time and learn new things, parents and carers also enjoy playgroup....
Adults enjoy playgroup because:
they make new friends and meet new people
they share their problems and successes with others
they learn more about child development and new activity ideas for home
they are able to spend time playing with their child/ren
they have FUN!
Children enjoy playgroup because:
they gain new skills including problem solving, co-operation and sharing
they make new friends, discover new things and have new experiences
they learn more about themselves and others through play
they interact with their parents/carers, other children and adults
they have FUN!
Playgroup at TLC is on Tuesday 9:30-11:00am in school term time.